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Paranormal Investigator, Exorcist and Agony Aunt The Reverend Leonard Fanny advises readers on their supernatural problems. This time he counsels a convent suffering from the activities of a 'Bad Saviour'. Is a devil abroad as nuns claim effigy of Christ climbs down from cross nightly to ravish them?
Drawn from random samplings of trick or treat bags taken from kids living in predominately minority neighborhoods and those residing in mostly white areas, the paper's findings were shocking.
All too often when someone is diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy or some other progressive run for the border, they are dismissed, sodomized and labeled as broken, useless. Limited by others' low opinion of their abilities, they are reduced to the most menial jobs and having to ride the bus because someone took their dog license.
One month after introducing a bill to define "gender solely as a person’s reproductive biology at birth" for the purposes of Title IX – effectively prohibiting trans women from participating in women's athletics - House Republicans have added an amendment that would also ban non-trans women from playing sports.
Firstly Mrs. Keenum, let me express my deepest condolences for the loss of your son. It's always difficult when someone so young and so vibrant, someone with their whole life still ahead of them, is called back to the Lord's heavenly flock so early.
Desperate to turn the tide in Ukraine despite worsening supply issues, Russia is reportedly arming many of its new conscripts with less modern weapons such as hammers and pointed sticks.
Adding to the inflation crisis as the centerpiece of their midterm platform to retake Congress in November, Republicans are seizing on the destruction Hurricane Ian is wrecking under President Biden's watch.
Saying it was the only responsible thing to do, a group of scientists reluctantly launched a spacecraft to nudge an asteroid into the path of planet earth.
As rising inflation and supply chain snags continue to compel producers to squeeze consumers, consumers are increasingly passing those extra costs onto their children, a new report shows.

Home And Garden
Having built seven new stadiums, an airport and dozens of hotels to host this year's World Cup, Qatar is reportedly also breaking ground on several mass graves to accommodate the thousands of fans they expect will violate their strict Muslim laws during their visit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop the clock! If I knew five years ago that a President would come along and wipe out everyone's student debt, I would've stayed in high school and gone to college myself!
McCoy, former President Donald Trump's endorsee to represent the Tarheel State's 15th District, initially denied responsibility for setting the blaze after first responders found him asleep behind the wheel of his BMW X5 in the middle of his neighbor's front yard.

On the verge, he says, of not only ending the war in Ukraine but of finally achieving a lasting peace in the Middle East, Donald Trump is now refusing to continue the work he claims was the real reason he absconded with a trove of classified documents after leaving the White House in 2021.

A small consolation on an otherwise bad day for the GOP after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed Sunday, Republican Senators were at least able to strike down a provision to the sweeping climate and healthcare bill that would have capped the cost drug makers can charge individuals for insulin at $35 per month.

A San Diego woman is crediting the meth heads who loiter around a convenience store in her neighborhood for helping to get herself back into shape since they began chasing her every time she passes by several weeks ago.

Home An
The average American pick-up truck has gained 1,142 pounds since 1990. The average American, about the same. The average Phish tune, in concert, added nearly two minutes around its middle, and personal pizzas got 25 percent larger. Go big or go home: The 11th Commandment writ large.
The couple who was shocked to be getting married alongside Ben Aflleck and JLo in Vegas last week were just as astounded to find themselves sharing a divorce attorney's lobby with the same celebrity pair today.

Home And Garden
If your brain hurts from trying to cope with the notion that there are fewer people in heaven than there are in Starbucks on a Sunday morning, try coping with this instead: if fewer than one one-bazillionth of a percent of all the people who have ever lived were good enough to get into heaven, you’re probably fucked. You’re going to spend the rest of eternity, however long that is, with your stinking family, most of whom will think at first that you must have gone to heaven because that’s where they are. Wait until you see how ornery they get when they notice the lack of air conditioning.
Two things are certain about the bible: animals were harmed during its production, and cats are not mentioned anywhere in it. If you care to, you can find calves and camels, cankerworms and cattle, cocks and colts, crickets and crocodiles, but no cats.
As local business sacks regular workforce, local community asks whether 'agency staff' replacements are actually zombies. Claims of all-night Voodoo drums from delivery bays of Dagenham supermarket as customers allege they recognise some of shambolic new staff as deceased loved ones. Are the living dead destined to be UK's new unpaid workforce?

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