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Does Labour have 'Manifesto of Madness' designed to undermine middle class conservatism through compulsory drug taking and homosexuality? Extraordinary claims by Tories that Corbyn victory would mean 'enforced permissiveness'.
Is Britain’s National Health Service being transformed into a ‘National Death Service’? Activist argues Tories turning NHS into institution for mass euthanasia of poor, disabled and elderly.
Paranormal Investigator, Exorcist and Agony Aunt The Reverend Leonard Fanny advises readers on their supernatural problems. This time, a reader fears that we will never be rid of a group og ghosts constantly trolling her over her appearance. Can the Rev help?
Has Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage been converted to the cause of Remain? Has he been secretly brain-washed by EU with aim of sabotaging latest Bexit deal? Or is he victim of black magic plot on part of powerful witch doctor and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn?
The CBD that works best is the CBD that works with more than a mean-spirited amount of THC. CBD is like vegetables: It's best used as a garnish for the meat of the meal.
Within the last ten years gluten-free (GF) products got themselves a bandwagon and an agitated posse/fan club of non-celiac pretenders. From 2009 to 2014 celiac-disease numbers remained stable. The number of people following GF diets? It tripled. WTF?
Brighten up your home, office or day-care center with an assortment of Christian-themed Christmas coloring pages! They're all here, from the Incredible Hulk taking Jesus down from the cross to Mary contemplating throwing the newborn Messiah down a well. Simply cut, color and glue these pictures to a wall or window and enjoy the warming glow they'll infuse into your living or work space this holiday season
Is J.K. Rowling really a TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist), a reptile who rejects the notion that trans women are women? The short answer is, "Who the fuck cares?" The long answer, ditto; but a lot of people in the Twitterverse do care.
DONALD TRUMP has been impeached by the  Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives. It doesn’t mean much other than being seen as the shaming of a President.  He remains in the White House unless he is removed from office and prevented from holding Federal positions through a conviction by the Senate. But a Senate conviction is unlikely.  It…
One of YouTube's least popular videos ever—MTV's"White Guy Resolution 2017"—was pulled forty-eight hours after its pre-Christmas debut three years ago. It had received 89 "thumbs up" votes on The 'Tube and 11,922 "thumbs down."
Reality TV show that gets participants to film own adult movies is latest UK viewing sensation. 'Great British Porn Challenge' hailed as greatest TV phenomenon since 'Great British Bake Off'. Makers claim series aims to revive lost skills of adult movie production in the UK.
Pot is dead. Deader than a pile of stinking roaches in a dirty ashtray. Deader than Jerry Garcia, phone booths or analog clocks, the draft or smoking on airplanes. Deader than vinyl, even.
Explaining that Jesus is too valuable a property to enter the heart of "every loser with his putz in a wringer," the Lord God Almighty warned that Jesus would be entering fewer hearts this year; and he would not be doing back-to-backs, i.e., entering two hearts in consecutive minutes.
A stark contrast to Time Magazine's selection of Climate Change activist Greta Thunberg as their Person of the Year, Fox cited the Wilmington, North Carolina girl's 'quintessentially American' lifestyle for their decision to honor her.
Wanna know what to get that genderfluid person you friended last summer? Facebook can steer you to Etsy without your feeling a thing. How about those polygenders you haven't got a clue about, literally and gift wise? REDBUBBLE will welcome you into the bubble.
Trompe l'oeil (tromp LOY) or "trick of the eye" is the technique of using realistic imagery to create an optical illusion of depth and thereby fucking with people's minds. The term originated with a trickster named Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845), who used it as the title of a painting he exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1800.
"The wrong piece of evidence can get a defendant convicted," the judge said. "So we make every effort to head that off before it becomes a problem."
Kirill Morozov is a twenty-year-old from Belarus with a bad haircut, some incriminating facial tattoos, and hell hounds on his trail. Postcards from the Pug Bus is the first U.S. satire site to break his story.
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - In a rare show of unity and non-partisanship, Philippine Senators unanimously approved a resolution demanding that the U.S. government immediately release all prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. As of latest available information resulting from a Google search, about 40 detainees remain at the U.S.-leased detention center in Cuba.  Many of…
Those of us who would rather brave root canal without the benefit of anesthesia than submit to invasions of our personal space can take joy in the fact that "tree hugger" and "bunny hugger" are terms of derision in some enlightened circles.

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