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"Improv is all about embracing what someone is saying and raising the stakes," said Mr. Grinell. "Surveillance on American citizens? Do it. Covert weapons to fund freedom fighters? I'm in. Smuggling yellow cake for an East African warlord to retrieve a lost drone. Hell yes! It's that simple."
Coronavirus-related fatalities continued to spike across the United States yesterday as three more Americans were shot to death after being mistaken for the potentially deadly virus.
President Trump took time from his death match Twitter smackdown with Michael Bloomberg to post the following tweet early this morning, "Is Mayor Pete a pitcher or a catcher? Enquiring voters want to know."
Republican Senators announced today that they have suspended their investigation into the role Hunter Biden played as a boardmember of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma to focus instead on Shlomo Sanders, the 52 year-old autistic son of Bernie Sanders who works at a zoo.
Troubled wide receiver Antonio Brown was carted off to a mental hospital today, earning a polite round of applause from many across the country.
Celebrating the completion of their partisian duty to acquit the President of the articles of impeachment brought against him by the House of Representatives, GOP Senators on Capitol Hill are offering their sisters for Trump to (make love to).
It all started in kitchen Friday. Halfway through cooking some cong you bing for lunch, I try to open pantry drawer, only drawer not open, so I try again harder, snapping spatula culprit inside and knocking backward against pan, catching curtain on fire! Then, while putting out fire, smoke alarm go off and scare cat, who jump out window I open to let out smoke! Bu yong xie! I find kitty half hour later by Hop Lee dumpster, but that's just start!
“To see that the sun is made of this delicious material is more than we could have hoped for."
Mr. Jefferson announced last summer that he was ending his one-year retirement from basketball—only to announce shortly thereafter that he was retiring again because the only team that offered him a job was the New York Knicks. The Knicks promptly and emphatically denied that they had done any such thing.
Representing an unknown percentage of the total number of fetuses the president has had aborted during his lifetime, the spirits of the unborn Trump offspring were unanimous in their preference to have been given an opportunity to live during a mass seance in Atlantic City Saturday.
"We know who the people are that came over from the House of Representatives," said the president's Deputy Patrick Philbin. "We watched them walk across the rotunda and walk in here and deliver the articles. But can anyone tells us who we are?" he asked.
Yang, who made his disclosure this morning on Twitter, has since offered scant details of the assault with any of the major media outlets his revelation has garnered him attention from.
The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump convenes this week, and for a variety of reasons most Republican members of the upper chamber of Congress want to play no part. The following are the most common excuses members of the GOP have given to dodge their duty.
To many in Great Britain, the uproar over Meghan Markle’s comings, goings, and indeed existence are no surprise; the country has, in the eyes of many, been ‘contaminated’ by outsiders for far too long. “Make Britain Great Again” founder Basil Carville claims that all of Britain’s problems can be traced to the arrival of undesirable immigrants in 1066.
9 year-old Make-A-Wish recipient Connor Banks had a busy first day as the newest member of the Milwaukee police department Friday, "solving" a robbery and shooting at several unarmed African American bystanders.
A local group of musicians gathered in their garage to form a new Rush tribute band decided to hang it up on Saturday after realizing there was absolutely no way they would ever be able to play their music.
James Carville described Pennsylvania as "Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other, and Alabama in between.” We should not be surprised, therefore, that today is National Drunks Against Mad Mothers Day, sponsored by DAMM Pennsylvania.
Most people can recall their first sexual experience, but judging from the responses to the 2020 Postcards from the Pug Bus Sex Survey, not everyone puts a smiley face on that memory.
Jessica Simpson read the news today, oh boy, and now the singer-actress wants to adopt a pillow angel. Ms. Simpson had been interested in adopting a child formerly, but after scoring poorly on a questionnaire sent to her by an adoption agency in Tijuana, Mexico, she became dispirited.
"Baptism is the original sin, inflicted on innocent children without their consent. From the time of Abraham the notion of sacrificing a blameless child has been the true believer's go-to move, but if churches were honest, they would raise the age of consent for baptism to twenty-one, at least."

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