Check Please!
‘VW's Dieselgate’ scandal widened to include Vauxhall today -who announced that they'd been selling shit cars but lying to customers that they were actually good.
Demands getting more specific, including GOP debate lighting style and Huggie Bears on each podium for “moral support.” The Republicans candidates shocked the media world at the last GOP debate by forming a defacto union and demanding collective bargaining rights as to how future debates would be run.
Conceived by a pack of drunken men in the lady's bathroom of Saggy's Saloon in 2003, Lori Sullivan's seven children were toasted by former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and several other notable conservatives, including Congressman Todd Akin, who were on hand to commemorate the occasion.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, the results of a TNA study revealed the United States has a dangerous surplus of self-proclaimed Second Amendment experts that are virtually all pro-gun, and feel obligated to defend the right to bear arms no matter how many people are killed by firearms. A startling 63% of Americans claimed to be Second Amendment experts, and virtually everyone in that group lacked the proper education required to substantiate such a claim.
“I never owned Ronco, but if I did the C.E.O.’s brains would be in that jar.”                                                       —Donald Trump  
Following an increase in A&E admissions various organisations have been urged to redraft their 'books' to minimise injuries whenever situations suggest throwing the book at people might be useful.
Reworked format and new entrants featured at this evening’s Republican debate Dateline: N.H., Feb.8, 2016 Hello everyone and welcome to the 37th presidential Republican debate sponsored by NotchTV, your source for all things frozen. I’m your moderator Wendell Wellsted, and in just three hours.
The prime minister is embarking on the most James Bond day of his career so far as an international crisis threatens to overshadow talks with the president of Egypt after James Bond discovered there was a bomb on a plane flying from Egypt earlier in the week.
MIAMI, Florida (The Adobo Chronicles ) - Florida Senator Marco Rubio is a fast-rising star in the Republican Party. The presidential candidate is expected to eventually capture his party's nomination -- after all the hype and hysteria that put GOPers Donald Trump and Ben Carson on top of the polls subside and voters finally come to…
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, the White House received a letter from its enemy the Islamic State expressing the Islamic extremist group's gratitude for additional American military equipment, which it had easily captured from the fleeing Iraqi military. President Obama quickly responded to the letter of thanks from the Islamic State by warning Iraq "the arms gift shop is closed until Iraqis stop regifting American weapons of war to the Islamic State."
BROOKLYN (The Barbed Wire) - In a glimpse of what may come if Hillary Clinton is elected to the White House in 2016, the Democrat presidential hopeful said that, if she wins, her first order of business will be to sign an executive order making it mandatory for all American women, regardless of age, to wear colorful pantsuits at all times.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) -  U.S. President Barack Obama is just one of the many dignitaries confirmed to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit to be held this month in Manila, Philippines. Recent  developments at Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) have sent chills to the international community and has prompted the U.S. State…
Are Man's Trousers Haunted by Evil Spirit of Sex Offender? Exorcism Performed on Possessed Pantaloons Following Paranormal Phenomena in Groin Area, Including Ectoplasm and Bizarre Bulging!
A collection of items that belonged to Margaret Thatcher are to be burned at a searing hot temperature of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Subject to judicial approval, of course.
The Prime Minister has come under fire for posting pictures on his Facebook page in which he appears to be going over the top in the Battle of the Somme, leading the charge of the Light Brigade, and defeating the French at Agincourt.
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable...
"Yay! I also love the whiney yelp they do when they get wet for the first time. YouTube, it's over to you."
Green Bay, WI – First time home buyer Veronica Brunwald, 28, has contacted a real estate agent to take her next step towards the American dream.  Brunwald has been working as a Medical Secretary at the BayCare Clinic and saving her money for 5 years.  She also does part-time snow removal on the side for some extra cash.

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