Check Please!
One of the leaders of the University of Missouri protest group Concerned Student 1950 says that the main source of their discontent is chronic constipation.
‘We were sitting around in a pop-up elevenses bar in Hoxton watching the news when it hit us. If tobacco and ham are supposedly the same now, well, there was only one thing to do,’ explained ‘hamfag’ enthusiast Tobias Ellis-Woods, lighting a smoked ham roll-up as he spoke
oday, a seven-year-old boy named Jonathan Mercy concluded the American healthcare system was immoral and “the s-word.” Jonathan came to his conclusion after his parents — who have no health insurance — went to the local pharmacy to fill a prescription, but were unable to afford...
I make it a rule never to argue with drunks. Not even when I'm drunk myself. But especially not when I'm sober - alcoholic intoxication impairs the ability
(ACPA-Detroit, MI) Dr. Ben "Whispers" Carson admitted today that claims that he spent two years in the Hanoi Hilton in a cell next to John McCain might be an accidental fabrication. "I mentioned in one of my books that my soft spoken voice was a side effect of years of enforced silence as a POW in Vietnam. In a way that is not completely accurate but it's the liberal media who are bringing it up not me."
LAREDO, Texas (The Adobo Chronicles) - Emboldened by the recent ruling of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court which upheld a lower court decision blocking the implementation of a series of President Obama's executive orders on immigration, Texas today announced that it will build a wall around the state's entire perimeter. A three-judge panel ruled against the…
The Independent revealed yesterday that the British Government has finally prevented the future occurrence of a crime by what is today a preschooler. In an astounding step forward in the ability of any government anywhere to prevent future terrorist acts, Prime Minister D. Cameraon has established new expectations for all civilized nations to better protect their citizens. However...
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN (The Nil Admirari) - Today, every Republican presidential candidate announced his or her mother - or other support figure - would stand next to them during tonight's debate hosted by the Fox Business Network at the Milwaukee Theater. The GOP mothers demanded they be on stage to protect their children from both each other, and the moderators, especially after the last debate hosted by CNBC made their precious little snowflake adult-children have hissy fits.
After a Christian evangelist group expressed outrage over Starbucks' neutral Christmas cups, the company immediately responded by printing new cups that meet the needs of those who wish to have more Christmas in their morning coffee.
The tributes themselves bad been placed in memory of 34 people who had died in a fire which had ripped through the Grand Central shopping mall the previous week, in which a large pile of floral tributes, candles, toys and In Memoriam cards had accumulated in memory of the tragic victims of a fire at the Great Western Arcade the week previously.
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable...
"If this turns out to be the new James Bond plot I will be livid." Jessie Krufts, Cinema Goer
Following outrage over the coffee giant’s decision to supplant its annual Christmas-themed snowflake paper cups with diabolical red ones, Starbucks has admitted to advancing a Satanic plot.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) - Powerful conservative Christian groups are lobbying Congress to pass legislation mandating the separation of church and stores. In a strongly-worded letter to members of Congress, the lobby group demanded that a law be passed banning Christmas displays and the selling of Christmas merchandise at all retail stores in the country.…
Faced with a mountain of debt totaling more than $18 trillion, the United States is planning to auction off a large section of the Midwest, starting with the state of Nebraska.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, the Obama Administration announced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - a massive multinational trade deal President Obama intends to sign - will protect the freedom of all Americans to unknowingly purchase poisonous food. The White House explained companies located in other TPP nations will be able to sue the United States for having higher food safety standards, and force their poisonous food into the American market by citing "unfair protection of consumers."
The Papal Office today announced that His Holiness Pope Francis of the Holy Roman Catholic Church has decided to beatify the Big Agro biotech corporation Monsanto… also equally famous for its virtue. The beatification ceremony will...

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