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Practically every wealthy nation today is making major investments in building high speed rail networks to transport their people, but not the USA.
Adele's new album, 25, is set to be so enormous new words will have to be made up to explain just how big it is, according to music insiders today.
There is no greater assault on a nation whose foundations are built on the concept of liberty than to attack it when it’s fully expressing that very liberty, engaged in pursuit of the simplest, everyday pleasures.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles) - In less than 24 hours after revealing its choice for 2015 'Sexiest Man Alive,'  People magazine revised its verdict and made it a three-way tie. Earlier, People named former soccer star David Becham to this year's much-coveted title.  But as the magazine cover featuring the 40-year-old global superstar was about…
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, the Islamic State (ISIS) announced many prominent Republican politicians - including many GOP presidential candidates - will receive cash bonuses for exceeding ISIS's recruiting goals. The Islamic State explained Republican opposition to Syrian refugees being allowed into the United States was "a wonderful way" to help the religious-extremist organization recruit even more Syrian civilians, who were essentially being held hostage inside their own country.
Queen Accused of Breaking Wind During Two Minute Silence at Cenotaph. Royal Fart Widely Condemned as Disrespectful - Not to Mention Noxious - to Britain's War Dead and Military Veterans.
Over at The What & The Why, I’m talking about the Paris attacks and making broad points about the whole troubled mess. I accept it won’t be to everybody’s taste but that was deliberately so. My views are atheist, sceptical, but also, I hope, humanist. Despite being cynical about most things, I’m no nihilist. I […]
Bobby Jindal is dropping out of the presidential race and is blaming republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. The Donald claimed the only real “dropping” originated with his parents. Trump believes Jindal’s very foreign parents abandoned him on the steps of the Louisiana Governor’s office at the tender age of 34. He was then taken in by then Governor, Kathleen Blanco, who he eventually…
Bowed by public pressure and surrounded by bodyguards a Mr. Gary Stevens, of West Norwood, has revealed that he is to blame for Adele’s plaintive wailing and multi-million pound angst. His ill-fated romance with the singer in 2005 forced him to him to become a fugitive, concealing from friends and family that he was the muse behind such Adele classics as ‘Someone Like You’, ‘I hope your kn@b rots off’ and the melodic ‘Die, you cheating bastard, die’.
Republicans will pull out all the stops to defeat the anchor baby horde. Prepare for earth-shattering news — immigration has become a key issue in the race for the Republican nomination. Yes. Again. It’s what folks in the garden industry call a perennial. Or rather, biennial, as it happens like clockwork every year ...
Insisting that it’s not our business what a grown man does in private with other consenting adults, it’s only with great reluctance that Americans are showing interest in Charlie Sheen’s admission that he is HIV-positive.
Clayton, AL – These parts may be better known for the search of the almighty Sasquatch.  That journey will undoubtedly continue for years to come.
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana (The Adobo Chronicles) - Conceding that this is not his time to be president of the United States, Louisiana Governor Bobby (Piyush) Jindal today announced that he was suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. His campaign strategy since he ran for governor has always been to project himself as a…
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, struggling Republican presidential candidate and former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush declared only Syrian refugees who were Christians should be allowed into the United States. Bush asserted Syrian refugees who practiced Islam should be left in Syria to die by one of the many belligerents fighting in the region, "because that's what Jesus Christ would do."
Canadians took a break from getting piss drunk on beer and whiskey for one day to rejoice over the magnificent spectacle of Trudeau and his cabinet being sworn into their new offices. Well… okay, we lied, they didn’t exactly take a break from getting piss drunk, but for one night it wasn’t about hockey for 3 out of 10 adult… females.

Never before has any democracy of any intelligence seen such a magnificent display of vote-slutting from...
A BBC-commissioned survey finds that 64% of people in the UK are unaware that the Northern cities, such as Manchester and Newcastle, have electricity and running water. When asked to describe the North of England, most Brits believed Northerners to live in mud yurts, or travel together in roaming tribal mobs.
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable...
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles ) - In a no-holds-barred interview with The New York Times, controversial CNN anchor Don Lemon answered all sorts of questions -- from why he thinks the missing Malaysia Airlines plane could have been swallowed by a black hole, to why he smelled marijuana in the air during his coverage of…

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