Check Please!
Americans have become used to tirades coming from Donald Trump.  Some that make sense and some not so much.  His latest diatribe came Friday afternoon at the Trump Tower lobby in New York City.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump confirmed reports he had been sexting with Russian President Vladimir Putin for over six months. Governor of Ohio John Kasich - a rival Republican presidential candidate, who refuses to make public the "very troubling" sexts - discovered the long-term sexting relationship between Trump and Putin after becoming convinced he should investigate the relationship between the two after days of them being very complimentary of each other in the media.
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean – (

In a scene reminiscent of a WWII era news reel, four of America’s remaining battle wagons steamed across the Pacific Ocean on their way to combat stations off the shores of Communist North Korea in response to alleged hacking charges levied against the regime of Kim Song-Un.
If you know so much, Mr. Zano, then why is Trump remaining so popular? It seems all of you little cartoons haven’t made a dent in old Orange Helmet. I’ve not been a fan of Trump. In fact, I have not spoken a word in support of his run for the Presidency. I see Trump…
After hearing stories about his long drives home, getting lost, dirty motels, road rage, speeding, the state of the roads and BMW drivers, Chris Rea's family have finally decided to buy him a SatNav this Christmas.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) - While Americans were camping out in movie theaters nationwide to be among the first to see 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens,' President  Barack Obama signed new legislation that would discriminate against human beings -- including U.S. citizens -- based on national origin and travel history. Both Houses of Congress approved…
Beijing, China – (

Life in the Chinese gay closet was lonely for Choi Lee. No friends. No one to talk to about his problems. Just a constant fear of a loud knock on his apartment door late in the evening. In communist China it’s just you and yourself shuttered away from life and reality, afraid the authorities will discover your secret and take you away somewhere that’s really secret too.
Today, that all changed when Choi Lee was the first to step out of the Beijing closet…
Lowell, MA – Becky and Mark Dodd got married last December.  As they wait for their one year anniversary, they find themselves in marriage counseling.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced it was changing its name to "Elect Hillary Clinton President 2016," and publicly committed itself to destroying the campaign of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont "by any means necessary." Debbie Wasserman Schultz declared she was already using her position as chair of the DNC's successor organization to cripple the Sanders campaign by restricting its access to critical voter information it needed to contact and mobilize its supporters.
Zagreb, Croatia -(

We’re not sure what movie was playing on TV way back in 1966 in the former republic of Yugoslavia, but it must have been so terrible that a woman died while viewing it. In fact, it took 48 years for someone to find her remains in her Communist-era apartment.
After opening for Police Academy's Michael Winslow, Mike Honore explains to Jeremy and Sunny how much white people in Baton Rouge love D-listers doing sound effects.
After giving countless Louisiana voters likely the worst case of buyer’s remorse they’ll ever have, Gov. Bobby Jindal has set off on a tour of the state to polish the turd of a legacy he’s leaving behind.
He's putting everyone on edge' said one passenger from coach F, who apparently managed to escape into the toilet with his mobile phone. 'Wait, hang on, oh no, now he's muttering and trying to catch other people's gaze with his sullen, tutting visage! Send help, send help now!'
Coroner’s report: Scott Weiland choked on marbles in his mouth In this Humor Times exclusive report, we reveal the true cause of death of former Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver vocalist.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles) - This year's Miss Universe pageant made history by having a transgender contestant in the person of Miss Austria. The closest Miss Universe ever got to having a transgender contestant was when Jenna Talackova waged a legal battle to be allowed to compete in the Miss Universe Canada pageant in…
With poll numbers sliding faster than butter on a hot skillet, the current occupants of the White House are starting to realize that the moving date in 2016 might be a reality sooner than they really expected. Yes, even in Obamaland time flies. For the rest of us it hasn’t come fast enough.
If you're a gay young man nervous about coming out to your parents, try practicing on a couple of your stuffed animals. Later, to most realistically depict how your mom and dad will respond to your news, hang your stuffed animals by their necks in the garage...
The sun took a massive crap today, unleashing a galactical butt-shower of fire into outer space that's headed our way.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, TNA released the results of a survey of Donald Trump supporters to discover their primary reason for supporting the billionaire Republican presidential candidate. Just over 93% of the surveyed Trump supporters confessed they wanted "someone cool" to have a few drinks with prior to a busy night of assaulting suspected Muslims, as well as anyone seemingly not white, Christian, and/or American enough.

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