Check Please!
Scientists looking for alien life on other planets have been looking in the wrong place, according to an independent telescope owner and his mates.
South Dakota – (

December 29, 2015 marked the 125th Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
WASHINGTON D.C. (The Barbed Wire) - White House doctors have confirmed that President Obama strained several muscles in his arms today, and even tore a tendon in his shoulder area, while overreaching in putting together his newest gun control executive orders. The president has been ordered to rest his skinny arms and reduce the movement of his left shoulder.
Tasty Scoops Ice Cream Parlor in Dansville, Tennessee announced this week that they will offer free ice cream cones for life to all US combat veterans.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, TNA released the results of a study on what would happen if a federal building was seized by a group of armed Black Americans last weekend. Its conclusion was if such a group seized a federal building and its members dared federal authorities to attack them their funerals would be ending right about now.
Washington, DC – (
Barack Obama issued his latest presidential order only to have it met by laughter and derision from Republicans, Conservatives, and every straight male in the thinking world. Presidential order 6969FU states that “Due to her diligent service in government, her selfless dedication to the people of her Congressional District, to California, and to the United States of America, and to the sacrifices and gray hairs brought on by her tireless efforts to assist and aid her fellow men, Nancy Pelosi is hereby granted the status of MILF.”
Donald Trump claims that Cruz is a Nazi, transvestite love child.
Pyongyang, DPRK—The supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced today the successfully detonation of an H-Bomb, the first such thermonuclear detonation in the country’s history. The U.S. Air Force immediately deployed a WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft as a radiation “sniffer” plane to test the properties of the radiation cloud created by the blast.…
Shoreditch resident Melvin Sharp was left 'saddened and disappointed' after the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet.

Mr Sharp, a part time graphic designer, had spent the previous 12 months faithfully signing 157 petitions that have appeared on his Facebook and Twitter feeds, hoping that his very public activity may get him noticed by the Nobel committee.
Our hard-hitting website investigates yet more conspiracy theories! Conspiracy Theories is the hard-hitting website that isn’t afraid to investigate and expose the dark forces that seek to prey..
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is undeniably a birther: he has continuously questioned Barack Obama's citizenship, claiming the president was born in Kenya and should not have been qualified to run for U.S. president. Fast forward to 2016. Trump is running against Senator Ted Cruz who appears to…
Hollywood, CA – (
Director Michael Moore’s Hollywood production of ‘American Snacker’ has finished production and is headed for the big screen in a theater near you sometime in May, said studio executive Morris Freeman.

Freeman admits it’s the left’s answer to the popular but controversial Clint Eastwood movie ‘American Sniper’ that many feel is a true contender for an Oscar award, but has been the source of rabid criticism from liberals and their supporters.
  Washington—President Obama announced today he is not going to have a typical lame duck last term. For his final year in office, the President plans to acquire as many guns and Holy Bibles for his “personal collection” as possible. Obama told reporters, “I want to do something good while I’m still in office because, let’s…
Twelve members of Islamic State have been left seriously amused after a ruthless gang of satirists forced their way into its headquarters and proceeded to ridicule up the place.

Sarcasm, parody and irony are all said to have been used in what many are seeing as a broader attack on everyone's freedom to stone homosexuals or cut babies in half.
by Paul Lander.Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Frustrated by millennials’ lack of interest in buying cars, automakers plan to roll out a slew of new models aimed at appealing to today’s youth.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles) - In a whirlwind of television appearances on national networks yesterday, Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was asked  repeatedly if she was willing to share her crown with Miss Colombia. In the days following the Miss Universe pageant, there have been calls for Wurtzbach to share the title with…
Vienna Austria – (

Dr. Sigmund Freud III spoke before the Austrian Psychology Association (APA) on the 135th anniversary of the founding of Psychological Research. The meeting was held at the Kursalon Vienna Concert Hall. The attendees were the notables of the psychology world and all 1744 seats of the main hall were filled, plus 300 standees. Several hundred others heard only the audio seated in various rehearsal halls.
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders promised to deal with the oversized influence of the finance sector by breaking the nation’s 10 largest banks into “a million little ones.”
"Put the bowl on your head, little man, and do a little dance. Don't just sit there!!!" Jessie Krufts, Circus Trainer

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