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SatireWorld Range and Dinner Club, USA

Nothing says Christmas like a staff photo with Santa and an AR-15! Just ask the writers at SatireWorld as they pose with jolly Ol’ St. Nick and some high-powered firearms: AK-47s, grenade launchers and machine guns.
Atlanta, Georgia

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said on Friday that her Republican opponent Brian Kemp would be officially declared the victor in the race, but she said her announcement was not a concession from her because that would acknowledge ‘ out-right election theft as being right.’
Television City, Hollywood – (

Acne sufferers rejoice! A TV show is about to debut that has you in the headlines. Popular TV show host Russell Brand announced today that auditions for Can You Pop-A-Pimple has begun at Television City in Hollywood.
(Reprinted from the Mayberry Gazette) Mayberry, North Carolina – (
It was revealed today that Opie Taylor, raised as the son of former Mayberry Sheriff, is actually the love child of former deputy Barney Fife and Andy’s late wife. Aunt Bee, Andy’s aunt, revealed the information on her death bed, saying “I can’t go to my sweet Jesus with this lie untold. Folks just gotta know and I’ve been itching nigh on fifty years to tell this to somebody.
Appearing on Good Morning America today to promote his new film Instant Family, Mark Wahlberg said the movie, "Basically sucks."
Washington DC- (

Former Vice President Al Gore (supposed inventor of the Internet), noted predictor of dire, non-occurring, environmental calamities since 2000 spoke before the International Brassiere Manufacturers Association (IBMA) convention. He cautioned that the effect of plastics and oil based synthetic fibers used in Bra manufacturing are affecting the oceans of the world.
Please forward this today to everyone on your e-mail list in remembrance of all who have ever worn the uniform…and gave their yesterdays that we could have our tomorrows. This is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War 1. Remember that “all gave some, but some gave all.”
Atlanta, GA – (

Ahead by more than 600,000,000 votes days after Georgia’s gubernatorial election, Republican Brian Kemp pushed for Democrat Stacey Abrams to finally concede Saturday as civil rights groups urged her to stay in the fight even though she’s losing by more than 6 million votes.
New York NY – (

Newly elected NYC Democratic-Socialist NITWIT Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has tried to send a Text Message to the new Democratic Speaker of the US House of Representatives, to be determined (TBD).

Dallas, TX – (
Jessica Simpson, the former bad luck charm for the Dallas Cowboys and it’s star crossed Ex-Quarterback Tony Romo, has been declared ‘out of shape and unable to perform’ since she’s ballooned to 250 pounds!
In a gesture of goodwill toward Democrats this week, House Republicans said they are glad to be "moving forward" after the 2018 midterm elections and are "ready to work in a spirit of bi-partisanship and mutual respect".
Walnutport, PA – Political newcomer and long-shot candidate for Pennsylvania’s 7th congressional district, Rona De Maritius (D-PA), on Tuesday, announced plans to introduce a controversial piece of legislation in the House, should she emerges victorious in next week’s midterm election.…Read more Long-Shot Candidate Proposes Four Ball Legislation to Counter Unfair Three Strikes Law ›
I plan to do great work today. Just as soon as I...check Instagram to see if that guy posted more dumb pictures of that thing he thinks is cool.
White House Press Officer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has sensationally claimed that under-fire CNN hack, Jim Acosta, launched a frenzied sex attack on a young female intern after she tried to wrest the microphone from the newsman’s grasp during Wednesday night’s fraught press conference at The White House. Speaking to Breitbart News, Sanders said: “As soon...
Washington, DC—Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is currently recovering from three broken ribs at George Washington University Hospital, but exactly how she sustained those injuries remains in question. Initially Justice Ginsburg stated she, “Fell down on the job”, literally, but rumors began circulating how she was only attempting to make a faulty workman’s comp claim. Later, while on copious…
by Jim Hightower.The Trump administration continues to lay siege on public assets. Donald Trump hates you. But don’t take it personally, he hates me, too — and all of us who constitute The Public. The billionaire’s antipathy ... Read morePulling a Con on the People by Attacking Public AssetsSubscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format. Pick up a copy at Barnes & Noble and other stores all over the U.S.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Yvette Harrell ran against Xochitl Torres Small for the congressional seat in Southern New Mexico. Party doesn’t matter right now because both are reprehensible (there wasn’t a lesser of two evils in this campaign). Harrell misdirected money (over half a million dollars) from the state to her business (while in the legislature) and also another half a million to her mother’s business and had what would have been ethics violations if the state had (previous to now) an ethics committee.
Dan Lipskey won another four years as the Governor of Mississippi despite spending Election Day shooting up a Whole Foods in Gulfport Tuesday.
After making the alarming announcement that Georgia's voting system had been hacked on the eve of the midterm elections, Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced this morning that the whole thing was just a crazy prank to rile people up.

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