Check Please!
In the midst of a rally supporting two ranchers convicted of arson for burning 130 acres of federal land, a group of armed, anti-government protesters initiated the occupation of a federal building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in the remote high desert of eastern Oregon. The building was taken over by approximately 150 militia members whom many Americans have defended, calling the gunmen “patriots” with a just cause in wanting federal lands turned over to local authorities.
The BBC has announced it is axing its critically-acclaimed adaptation of Tolstoy's literary classic War and Peace after just one episode, replacing it with a tense political drama based on Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet reshuffle.
WASHINGTON — Today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced her 2016 plans...

Washington DC: (

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) had just finished tracking Santa Clause when a large object was spotted heading towards planet Earth. As the object grew larger, natural bodies such as asteroids and meteors were ruled out by observers. When signals were received indicating “no hostile intent” and that a landing was to be made in the Nation’s Capital, there was no doubt intelligent life was aboard. The White House was duly notified.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, the U.S. Department of Reality released a report that concluded seizing a federal building and daring federal agents to attack you in order to incite a deadly confrontation were almost certainly acts of terrorism and treason. This conclusion was inevitable, regardless of why the federal building was seized.
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) -  The Philippines will see the launching of its first-ever satellite in April this year, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Mario Montejo said yesterday. The schedule was set after the DOST firmed up the arrangements with an American provider of space shuttle services on which the “micro satellite” would be…
On a more positive note: Helmand is kind of a shit hole anyway. * The above image may not actually be the Afghani town of Helmand.
Prime Minister David Cameron explained the reasons behind the move: "We want to be seen as the party of future growth and fertility. Not just fertility in terms of procreation, obviously, but also fertility of ideas and the fulfillment of aspirations.
‘Facial hair is the work of Allah himself,’ proclaims new ‘Jesus Shaves!’ Republican movement, who criticize Paul Ryan.
Democratic Party spies have been infiltrating Republican closed-door donor events and secret strategy meetings.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia – (
Karmic jitters surround Mecca’s Royal Clock Tower Hotel – the Abraj Al-Bait Towers – this weekend after Iran’s official witchfinder-general unleashed a torrent of hexoplasm against crazy Wahabbists who executed ‘moderate’ Shia cleric Shaikh Nimr al-Nimr.
LAS VEGAS (The Barbed Wire) - Last week, a person placed slices of bacon on the door handles of the front and back doors to a mosque in Sin City. Bacon and pork products are considered unclean in Islamic tradition, and Muslims are forbidden from eating or touching it.
New York – MouthFrog photographer and contributor, Joshua ‘I’ll write when I fucking feel like it’ Seater, was able to capture this alarming picture in Times Square of Gold’s Gym members waiting in a chaotic line to buy newly discounted treadmills.  
SILIC0N VALLEY, California (The Adobo Chronicles ) - The Silicon Valley-based Adobo Chronicles is pleased to announced that it is sponsoring and hosting a free seminar for the media on the issue of terrorism coverage. The seminar will be held at the San Jose Convention Center on Monday, January 4, 2016. The seminar will help media companies develop skills…
Hollyweird, CA – (

The world just became a little weirder with the full media onslaught concerning former ‘man’ Bruce Jenner who has slipped the bonds of common sense, and through self anointment, has become ‘Caitlin’ the woman pretender.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Congressional Republicans announced they would use American tax dollars to build new schools when the buildings could be dropped on people and explode. Republicans were unwilling to even discuss funding the construction of any new schools until they could meet the needs of perpetual war.
Sleeping on the damp-patch may soon be relegated to the past, according to female scientists at Ohio State University. The Aqua 365 Absorber Screw, which sucks up moisture at the flick of a switch, was developed after millions of complaints by women left to sleep on the pecker trail. Volunteers reported a 95.5% satisfaction rate in trials after using the device.
George Lucas, the director and creator of Star Wars, the wildly successful story of war in space, was forced to make a public apology last night after he went too far in an interview. But our experts have found he is much more quarrelsome than originally thought, as these nine other incidents show this week that were successfully kept from the press by his PR experts...

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