Check Please!
A woman in this sleepy hamlet in the northern district of Amburger-Elper has been walking around town asking for it, according to local men.
Washington, DC – (

A recent article about President Obama’s obsession with his legacy has prompted new calls to reserve his image on the famed Dakota landscape of Mount Rushmore.
Tonight, the Fox Business Network will be hosting yet another debate involving the Republican presidential candidates. TNA has identified these 20 questions as the ones most likely to be asked:

1. How weak and pathetic do you think President Barack Obama has been at everything he has done while in the White House? If possible, rank him on a scale of zero to zero.
David Cameron is not dead, despite him being reported dead this week on a Heart Radio broadcast, we have been assured.

But a conspiracy expert is not convinced: "If there is a cover up, and I'm not saying there is, and he has died, which I'm not saying he has, this is exactly what I would expect them to say if he had died and they were covering it up."
Facebook has apologised after it was taken offline by hackers today, prompting an hour of chaos in which people spoke to each other.
I am feeling put upon Pushed to state whose side I’m on Think the whole thing’s just a con I’m an Independent voter Watching one speech, then another...
Crew members from two U.S. Navy patrol boats detained by Iran have described the experience as “phenomenal” and say that they’ll definitely go back for a visit.
Fort Lauderdale, FL – (

Valerie Jarrett appeared on National News this morning to announce Schultz’s passing saying it was “humane, painless, ordained, and ‘long over due ” after Debbie appeared one time too many in the National News shows looking like an unmade bed spouting disjointed babble that even embarrassed FL congressman Alan Grayson and Cow Girl Frederica Wilson.
MEXICO (The Barbed Wire) - Mexican authorities are dealing with an outbreak of affluenza in their country. Recently, American Ethan Couch, who used an affluenza defense to get off easy after killing four people while driving drunk, was discovered hiding here. Now, the world's biggest drug cartel leader, widely known as "El Chapo" Guzman, is attempting to use the same excuse himself.
Chicago, IL – (
Saul Alinsky died in 1972. He was a Marxist grassroots organizer who spent much of his life organizing rent strikes and protesting conditions of the poor in Chicago in the 1930’s. However, unlike Christian socialist and activist for the poor Dorothy Day, Alinsky’s real claim to fame was as strategist for anti-establishment ’60s radicals and revolutionaries.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Republican presidential candidate and empathy-handicapped billionaire Donald Trump criticized Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for completely lacking a policy on how to combat comedian and actress Rosie O'Donnell. Trump called Sanders' lack of a policy regarding O'Donnell "shameful" while asserting Rosie was "a fat pig," "a clear and present danger to the United States," and she should probably be nuked from outer space.
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (The Adobo Chronicles) - It is the biggest jackpot in U.S. lottery history -- $1.5 Billion and counting.  And someone, for sure, is going to win it tonight! An unidentified man who lives in New Orleans, Lousiana, spent the last 48 hours making the rounds of convenience and other stores selling Power Ball…
BAGUIO CITY, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) - U.S. fast-food giant McDonald's claims to be number one in the world, except  in the Philippines where the clown can't seem to beat the 'fat, stupid, happy bee,' Jollibee. The fierce competition between the two restaurant chains continues as the fast-food industry tries to reinvent itself in order to…
Washington—A child, who apparently wanted “walkies”, became a key distraction last night during President Obama’s 8th and final State Of The Union Address. Initially the President tried to make light of the situation, but the growing disruption caused him to lose his train of thought several times and eventually his patience. The President initially tried…
A petition signed by 5000 insomniacs has been handed in to Manchester United asking the board to retain the services of under-pressure boss Louis Van Gaal.
Online technology continues to advance, and this week, one man saw a very lucky result from it.
Washington, DC- (
In America, the President of the United States is required by law to give an annual report about our nation's state to both Houses of Congress and to the American people. It's during this time the President's truthfulness is also monitored by the American people who basically are listening to a one-sided report by the President on his own accomplishments and those of his party.

Tuesday night's televised State of the Union Speech featuring the Anointed One, Barack Hussein Obama, dragged on for an endless amount of time and all that was really said were thi
Brian Haldane helps Jeremy White and Sunny Weathers start off another year of episodes by reminiscing about the good ol’ not-so-stabby days of Tigerland.
If Gov. John Bel Edwards gets his way, Louisianians will be able to use public assistance funds to purchase medically prescribed marijuana.

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