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These days, Republicans don’t have to be qualified — much less sane — to run for the highest office in the land.
The interview was surprising to many policy analysts, who generally consider current events to be dominated by trends favorable to the traditional strengths of the Horsemen.
SEATTLE, Washington (The Adobo Chronicles) - There is a missing beauty crown and a sash, and television host Steve Harvey is being questioned by authorities for it. It has nothing to do with Miss Universe. Rather, it is about Miss Washington USA. Stormy Keffeler who had earlier won the crown resigned after a previous DUI arrest…
Chicago, IL - (
They said it couldn’t be done, but two local girls did it! Now, there’s a new national champion on the hamburger eating circuit. Ellen Loiuse Barksdale and Mary Lou Helmutt were crowned the Hamburger Eating Champions at a recent franchise convention sponsored by parent company McDonalds.
MANCHESTER, NH (The Barbed Wire) - Saying she has many dear friends in "The Granite State," Hillary Clinton told supporters at a rally here that if they did not deliver the state to her in next month's primary, and she went on to get elected president, she would wipe the state off the face of the map.
Chappaqua NY – (

Prospective Democratic Candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called a press conference in her suburban home’s flower garden to announce she was dropping out of the 2016 presidential race. Hillary made the pronouncement wearing her traditional pudgy white pants suit and sun glasses to hide the “tell,” indicative of when she is lying.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, dozens of senior staffers working for Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced the former Governor of Florida was ignoring their hints it was well past time to suspend his lackluster presidential campaign. Bush's campaign staff explained they continued to make "mistakes" like including Jeb Bush on e-mails containing their resumes for the review of other Republican presidential contenders, but had failed to reach the governor with their passive-aggressive behavior.
Television personality Mario Lopez's recent meeting with Dick Cheney may have led authorities to him.
I’m furious with the mainstream media, but probably not for the same reasons you are. How dare they let republicans rewrite history? How do you let these blatant falsehoods go unchallenged on your “news” shows? Even our debate moderators seem asleep at the switch. During the last undercard round, Carly Fiorina implied Obama “fired all the…
British astronaut Tim Peake has submitted an invoice to the International Space Station's finance office to cover travel and time spent on-site, to the tune of several million pounds.
by Humor Times.‘Yes Men’ hoax highlights failures of military approaches to terrorism Today in the European Parliament in Brussels, a “defense and security consultant” (actually Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men, working [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Saudi Arabia – (

A Saudi cleric has called for all female babies to be fully covered by wearing the face veil, commonly known as the burka, citing reports of little girls being sexually molested by sex-starved Saudi men.
The Pentagon – (

The nuclear-powered USS Grover Cleveland recently left the shipyards at Portsmouth and completed an exhaustive four month series of naval sea trials in the North Atlantic Ocean. The Cleveland, which is as long as the Empire State Building is tall, completed the submerged portion of the trials where the aircraft carrier evaded surface detection and cruised at a classified depth and speed for almost a month.
NORTH CHARLESTON, South Carolina (The Adobo Chronicles) - Carly Fiorina opened the Republican undercard presidential debate with a sexist joke. “You know, I’m not a political insider. I haven’t spent my lifetime running for office. The truth is I have had and been blessed by a lot of opportunity to do a lot of things in…
There are strong rumours that Apple is planning to remove the headphone socket, power socket, screen, battery, processor and case from the iPhone 7 meaning that it will only exist in spiritual form.
If you’re a Franz Kafka or Henry Miller fan and have some curiosity about Sigmund Freud, Anomalisa is a movie you have to see.
Jeremy White had topics for Sunny Weathers and Robert Rau, but Sunny has plans for his Powerball winnings, like opening a hall of fame for Pete Rose (next to the one he’s not in).

New York City, NY – (

Swirling rumors of Presidential candidate and business magnate Donald Trump’s secret Polish ancestry have surfaced in recent days tying the New York City icon to labor unions and the union’s leftist-based movement to socialize America.

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