Check Please!
Condor, CA – (
The buying rush had officially began in parts of the US as hundreds of thousands of former Obama supporters rush out to buy new shelter for themselves and their families before the impending November elections which are looking dim for Democrats.
Political Storm Over Tabloid Claims About Corbyn's 'Disrespectful' Pose in Labour Nude Charity Calender. Party Denies Allegations of Leader Using Poppy to Cover Privates in November Picture.
When it’s really her little blonde friend they should be worried about.
The driving force of “Bernie Sanders for President” is coming from encouraging sources. When I crossed paths with a Democratic Party campaign consultant in Austin last March, I suggested he come out to the local International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers hall to hear Bernie Sanders...
HOLLYWOOD (The Barbed Wire) - All the controversy surrounding the lack of diversity in the Oscar acting nominations for the second year in a row has caused voters in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make a couple of last minute changes. Rachel Dolezal has been added to the Best Actress category nominations for her portrayal of a black woman working for the NAACP.
An organizer of this year’s Oscar ceremony says they will invite as many black people as possible to avoid the night looking like a Kenny Chesney concert.
"My look is called 'Singing Barber Of The 1930s.'" Fred Flunkee, Retired Bargain Bin Man
Daytona Beach, FL – (

Florida officials have cited 5 new cases of Leprosy in Volusia county due to ‘unnatural acts with Armadillos’ leading to the quarantine of DNC Charwoman Debbie Wasserman- Schultz and Congressman Alan Grayson!
London, England – (

SatireWorld reports that a personal item of a well known Sports Illustrated model has found its way on the popular auction site eBay and in past days all bidding has gone thru the roof.
The event will cover topics ranging from “Condiments: Curse or Salvation,” “Breads You Have Never Heard Of,” and “Surprising Him with Mortadella.”
CONCORD, New Hampshire (The Adobo Chronicles)- The campaign trail is proving to be grueling for Senator Ted Cruz, Republican presidential candidate. After giving a speech before college students in New Hamphire, he complained about a mild headache and blurred vision, prompting his campaign staff to call the paramedics. He was taken on an ambulance to a…
FLINT, MICHIGAN (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder (R) declared he was surprised the citizens of Flint had not arranged a parade to honor his quick response to them being poisoned by largely untreated water from a polluted source his hand-selected emergency manager had chosen. Snyder touted his rapid, nearly-two-years-in-the-making response to Flint citizens complaining about their toxic drinking water almost immediately after the city was forced by austerity measures to switch its public water source to the Flint River in April of 2014.
Twitter was criticised today after some smart alec parodied the #OscarsSoWhite Twitter trend last week, following record snow falls in eastern US states.
By pulling their considerable campaign donation sums, and putting it into orphanages, the Koch brothers hope to restart their own, heavenly, campaigns. Charles and David Koch made an astounding 360 today when they announced that they would pull all their money out of the 2016 elections, and instead fund every orphanage around the world.
GOP newcomer Racist Gorilla has taken a commanding lead over all his Republican rivals just one week after announcing his candidacy for president, every major national poll now indicates.
PORTLAND, OR — It’s like a scene from some post-apocalyptic atomic nightmare, from some dystopian science fiction film. But this is no cautionary tale of potentially-avoidable future foibles — this is present-day reality, unfolding right this very afternoon, right here in Portland, OR. And it’s coming down on us just days after people in southern states were themselves sprayed en masse from the sky, with a similar [though plasticine] compound.
Unfortunately for Saudi Arabia this appointment is merely a consolation prize after a failed bid for Chair of the Human Rights Council, due to be vacated by Germany in 2016.
Hollywood, CA – (

Sofia Vergara, the star of the popular sitcom Modern Family, had a recent physical and discovered she is carrying historical artifacts that she never knew she had…Prehistoric cave drawings between her breasts!
NEW YORK CITY (The Barbed Wire) - According to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the giant snowstorm named Jonas that is pounding the East Coast this weekend is God's punishment for the snub of black artists for this years Oscars by the voters from what he called the Motion Picture Academy of Arts & Racists.
Washington, DC – (
In line with recent invitations to the Obama White House which include a disgraced gay teacher. A 1960’s violence advocate. Plus, a recent ‘clock inventor’ who made innocent looking clocks into bomb replicas hidden in briefcases. Child porn advocate Jared Fogle was extended an invitation to join the Children’s Book Reading Sojourn being held in the White House Rose Garden and scheduled for this weekend.

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