Check Please!
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have twice woefully misjudged her competition in as many runs for the Democratic presidential nomination, but she insists that doesn’t mean she’d make the same mistake with foes of the U.S. if she becomes president.
PORTLAND, OR — Frontrunner mayoral candidate Jessie Sponberg described himself as “basically like if Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders had a baby,” in a prepared speech he gave yesterday in front of the Mt. Tabor reservoirs.
Washington DC-(

Rumors are rampant about a possible Democratic primary challenge to Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), a six-term Florida Representative. Debbie has squelched this rumor by stating she is not running in 2016 and is finally retiring from politics.
Donald Trump threatened to inseminate Sarah Palin to unleash a Hellchild upon the planet if he doesn’t secure the GOP nomination.
Barry Monkton, a fruit and vegetable stall owner in Melton Mowbray, was offered the idea of being English Football Team Manager's Position to which he replied, 'No chance mate, I wouldn't do that for most of the tea in China.'
As a Western, Jane Got a Gun looks quite authentic. It was shot around Santa Fe. Landscapes are top notch in north central New Mexico. There’s plenty of such of terrain to see in this new movie directed by Gavin O’Connor.
Expressing disappointment about his narrow loss to Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has vowed to continue fighting, recalling the time when Thomas “Steam Engine” Murphy seemed poised to defeat him in the 1950 Brooklyn all-city track meet.
NASHVILLE — Following a breakthrough performance in the NHL All-Star Game in which he scored two goals and was named MVP…
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admiari) - Tonight, psychopathic Iowans - largely of the evangelical persuasion - rallied to deliver Canadian psychopath U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas a win in the state's Republican caucus. The ultra-conservative Iowans barely rejected psychopathic billionaire Donald Trump for lacking the correct mixture of moral superiority and seething bigotry devoid of all empathy.
DES MOINES, Iowa (The Adobo Chronicles) - Since he launched his bid to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States, Donald Trump has made many promises, but nothing has caught the attention of the media and electorate more than what he said today in Iowa, on the eve of the first caucus of…
“It’s both magnificent and horrifying,” tweeted Stimpson as the waitress placed the enormous burger before him. “Much like America, truth be told.”
Following the shock news of Terry Wogan's death, concerned citizens have rounded up our remaining National Treasures and formed a protective circle around them.
Bernie Sanders has a crowd in Iowa right now that looks like a Beatles concert with Led Zeppelin opening. On the eve of the Iowa Caucuses and this incredibly important election I can’t help but think, what the hell is a caucus? I could Wiki this shit, but the NHL All Star game is about to start. I…
Tinseltown was shaken to its foundations tonight when famed common-law couple Barbie and Ken Mattel, who for years have enchanted the childhoods of little girls everywhere, and 2% of little boys, revealed...
CLEVELAND — LeBron James said today that there will be some adjustment getting used to new head coach Tyronn Lue, the bi…
New York, NY – (

The popular series of the The Holy Jihad Comic Books have broken publication records that once spanned four decades. With the introduction of ‘Burka Madness’ and the second edition, ‘Infidels Invade the 7-11’, a second and third work shift of printers had to be hired in order to keep up with demand from retailers around the world.
The Greek Mess
Or ‘How I Love Those Socialist Blues’

News Wire Contributor

The Socialist French drove the campaign for the Euro thinking that with a unified Europe the incessant wars that have characterized Europe for a thousand years would stop and France would once again be the dominant force in Europe and Germany would be contained. Alas the Euro-Zone had fatal flaws from the outset and instead of France becoming the dominant force in Europe it has turned out to be the Germans.
NEW YORK CITY (The Barbed Wire) - In the wake of the recent flood of Middle Eastern refugees across Europe, Fodor's Travel, long known for providing travelers around the world with travel guides to not only the best hotels and restaurants at destinations worldwide, but also useful and quirky information not found in other travel…

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